Thursday, 13 March 2025
Customer Survey – Big Boy Survey

bigboy survey

Big Boy Guest Satisfaction Survey

Big Boy is giving their customers a good chance to receive free food for their thoughts. To take advantage of this offer, the diners who have dined at their restaurant recently, need to take part in a brief Online Guest Satisfaction Survey hosted by Big Boy. And after completion, they will be present a validation code to redeem a free menu item with purchase on their next visit.

In the Big Boy Guest Satisfaction Survey, the participants have to answers some simple questions regarding their latest dining experience. Take the survey honestly as it has great importance to achieve the survey’s goal and provide you even better.

What You Must Know about Big Boy Survey

The things, the participants need to know before taking the Big Boy Guest Satisfaction Survey and get the special offer, are:

  • You must visit a participating Big Boy location most recently to have a receipt containing a Restaurant Code.
  • You must complete the survey within 14 days of that dining experience.
  • The survey can be taken once every 14 days from complete survey date.
  • The offer will expire 30 days from the date on the receipt.

How to Complete the Survey & Receive the Free Food

  • Visit the Big Boy official survey page
  • Enter some of your personal information like Name, Email. Phone Number, Zip Code, Birthday.
  • Then enter the date of your visit, 4-digit restaurant code, and indicate the time of visit from your Big Boy
  • Rate your satisfaction level in provided categories based on your experience.
  • Select your gender or prefer not to answer; Indicate your age, and check the box if you want to join the Big Boy Email Club
  • Submit the Survey” once you are done and you will be given a validation code.

Guest Satisfaction Survey Big Boy

Write the code on the line provided on the back of your receipt and return the receipt at any participating Big Boy restaurant in time to get your reward.

Big Boy Contact Info

You can send your question, comment or concern to Big Boy through “Contact Us” page. Or, you can call or write to the following way:

Phone Number: 586-759-6000

Address: 4199 Marcy St. Warren, MI 48091



Big Boy Survey Link:

Big Boy Restaurants Site:


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